Why Does An SEO Company Need FTP Access? 

There are several different reasons why an SEO company needs FTP access to a client’s website. Besides the usual maintenance and troubleshooting purposes, this tool allows the firm to make changes to the website directly. This can help increase the site’s search engine rankings. Using the FTP protocol, the SEO firm can also install search engine optimization tools, such as sitemaps. However, before granting an SEO firm access to your server, there are some important security steps you should consider. Contact us to learn more about gilbert seo services

First, you should never grant a SEO firm access to your root directory. The reason is that any unauthorized user can access your files, even if you disable logins. You should instead give your SEO provider a sub-account with limited access. 

In addition, you should avoid granting an SEO company access to your database or e-mail accounts. If the SEO firm has access to the files on your hard drive, it can overwrite your data. Moreover, a deceptive SEO might be able to delete your site from Google’s index. Therefore, it’s important that you have a backup of your website’s files. 

Lastly, you should never use unencrypted file transfers. This is especially dangerous if your company has sensitive information on your site. Aside from exposing your company to hacker attacks, it’s also an easy way for someone to see your private files. Fortunately, there are many programs on the market that provide encryption and safety measures for your files. 

When you give an SEO firm access to your site, you need to consider whether or not you want them to have access to the cPanel or the root directory. It’s also a good idea to set up a succession plan for the SEO firm’s account. 

If you’re not sure which type of access to provide to your SEO firm, it’s a good idea to consult with your IT provider. They can check your server’s files and give you a list of permissions. Some SEO firms have been known to create additional entry points on their clients’ websites, which can allow malicious code to easily access their sites. 

Lastly, when you give an SEO firm access to your server, you should change your server password after the website’s update. Changing your server’s password can help prevent hackers from finding out your username and password. Furthermore, you should always backup your files before giving an SEO firm access to your site. Having a backup of your site’s files can help you recover in the event of a disaster. 

Getting an SEO firm to work with you is a great way to save money. However, it’s vital to remember that a company cannot offer guarantees for your project. Nevertheless, you can be assured that your project will be handled by experienced professionals. By following these tips, you can ensure the best outcome for your project. 

Finally, if you are a web developer, you should definitely understand FTP. With a better understanding of this protocol, you’ll have more control over your website.