Why Are Authors Afraid of Video Marketing? 

Video marketing is a tool that many businesses, including authors, are using to grow their businesses. It helps businesses establish trust and loyalty with their customers, which can lead to more sales. It also provides a great opportunity for authors to tell their stories and connect with readers in a unique way. 

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But some authors are afraid of video marketing because they have a hard time putting themselves on camera. They think they won’t look good, or they don’t have the experience to pull it off. 

The truth is, you don’t need to be a professional filmmaker or have years of experience to create high-quality video for your business. The most important part of creating a successful video is having a solid plan and knowing what your goals are. 

Once you have a clear understanding of your objectives, you can begin brainstorming the type of content that would be the best fit for your audience. For example, you may want to create a short video about your book that would encourage readers to purchase it. You might also choose to make a product demo that shows off your products in action. 

Whether you choose to write, shoot, or edit your own videos, you should always start with a solid outline that covers all of the key elements you want to cover. This includes a title, description, and keywords. 

You should also be sure that your video scripts, images, graphics and colors are consistent with the rest of your brand. This will help viewers know they’re watching a brand-created video and not a promotional video for someone else. 

This will also help search engines understand your message and prioritize your content. Google currently places a priority on web pages with videos, and that means you’ll be more likely to rank higher on searches. 

A great video will keep viewers on your page longer, which can increase user engagement and the likelihood that they’ll take a desired action. For example, you could include a call to action (CTA) that asks users to subscribe to your email list or fill out a form. 

When you’re ready to upload your videos, you can use the built-in tools in the social media platforms you use, including Facebook and Instagram. They’ll provide you with analytics that will show you how well your videos are doing, and how long they’re being watched. 

In addition, you can place your video on third-party websites that are relevant to your audience. This type of advertising is more expensive than social or search ads, but the ROI can be very high because the content is so relevant to the viewer. 

Another way to get more attention for your video is to create click-worthy thumbnails that catch the eye and entice people to watch it. These can include an image with text overlay that guides the viewer through the video and provides a CTA at the end. 

Lastly, don’t forget to include your name and contact information at the end of your video. This will allow you to track the success of your video and improve your future marketing efforts.