What Metrics Can You Track in Google Analytics? 

Google Analytics is one of the most powerful and easy-to-use tools for tracking website performance. With its powerful reporting capabilities, it can help you measure the impact of your SEO and digital marketing efforts as well as identify areas that need improvement. Contact us to learn more about seo consultant gilbert

There are many different metrics that you can track in Google Analytics, and there are a ton of incidental ones that you might not have heard of yet! The best part is that most of these metrics are free and easy to set up, which means you can quickly see how well your SEO efforts are working. 

The first step in any SEO strategy is to know where your traffic is coming from. This will help you make sure your strategy is working and inform decisions about where to allocate your resources. 

Using your Google Analytics account, you can access the Acquisition Dashboard to find out which channels are sending the most traffic and conversions on your site. This report gives you a lot of information about your traffic sources, including the top keywords that led to visitors finding your site and what pages they clicked on. 

This report also shows you the path length that leads customers to the final conversion on your website. This is important because it can show you how much traffic comes from each source and what kind of impact that traffic has on your overall conversions. 

You can also check the search term report to find out what users were searching for when they came to your site. This will give you a better idea of what keywords to target in your next campaign. 

Aside from this, you can also check the bounce rate and dwell time on your website. These are two of the most important Google Analytics SEO metrics that will tell you if your content is relevant to searchers and if they are spending enough time on your site. 

Another SEO metric that you can track is your organic conversion rate. This metric will tell you how often people click on your links from Google, and how often they convert to paying customers. 

The goal of this metric is to determine whether you are getting the most out of your Google AdWords campaigns and if you are making a positive impact on your SEO. It will also let you know how well your marketing campaigns are performing in comparison to the average. 

If you are not able to find a way to improve this metric, it might be time to look at your landing page or the product page. The product and category pages are the ones that most searchers end up on, so if you can get them to be ranked higher in search results, you will be getting a big boost to your SEO. 

Having multiple categories on your site can help you rank higher in searches, but it can also cause some SEO problems. You should only assign your posts to a certain category if they are related and will help your readers.