What’s On-Page Off-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing individual web pages to earn higher search engine rankings and more relevant traffic. This involves a variety of strategies that affect both visible content and the HTML source code for each page. Contact us to learn more about https://gilbertseo.net/

Title tags: Whether you’re writing a blog post, creating a video, or designing a landing page, title tags are important to the visibility and ranking of your website. They help Google understand what a page is about and deliver the right content to users. The most common title tag optimization strategy is to include keywords related to the page’s topic in the title tag. 

Link building: Back linking is a crucial part of off-page SEO because it increases the authority of your site by showing search engines that other sites trust and respect you. The more authoritative your site becomes, the better it will rank in search results. 

Off-page SEO also includes a wide range of strategies that increase the overall visibility of your brand and its products or services. These methods include content marketing, influencer marketing, and paid media campaigns. 

Social signals: Keeping up with your social media channels and posting regularly helps you build brand awareness and connect with potential customers. Your social media presence is also a great way to answer questions or provide customer service. 

Reviews: Consumers rely on reviews to make purchases and decide whether or not to work with a particular brand. Online reviews can be a powerful tool to drive sales and build your brand’s reputation. 

Broken links: Getting rid of broken links doesn’t just benefit performance, it can also improve your site’s overall link equity. The Portent team will identify and remove any dead, outdated, or unlinked backlinks from your site to boost your site’s ranking in search results. 

Local listings: Having a good local presence on Google My Business is an essential part of off-page SEO. This will ensure that your local customers can find you quickly, easily, and without having to worry about finding a way to reach you. 

Image optimization: Images are another crucial part of off-page SEO because they help your website look more professional and trustworthy. In addition, they can increase the number of clicks on your website. 

Videos and photos are also very useful for attracting attention and increasing the number of sales your website generates. The Portent team can help you create and share these types of visual content to boost your off-page SEO. 

Keywords: Using key terms in your content is another effective off-page SEO strategy. Including these words in the page title, meta description, and heading structure can help increase your site’s searchability. 

When it comes to search engine rankings, the best way to get your website found is to implement a combination of on-page and off-page SEO techniques. The more strategies you can implement, the more organic traffic you’ll see and the higher your overall search engine ranking will be.