What question should I ask my SEO company?

When it comes to choosing an SEO agency, you want to make sure they have the experience and know-how to get the job done. It can be easy to be swayed by a glossy sales pitch, but you need to take a hard look at their qualifications and work history before signing on the dotted line. Contact us to learn more about https://gilbertseo.net/

If you can’t find a face behind the name, this is a red flag. Similarly, if you can’t find examples of their previous work or client reviews on third-party websites, it’s probably not the best company for your business. 

How often will you report on the progress of our SEO campaign?

Ideally, an agency will update you on their progress monthly. However, larger projects or more specific projects may require more frequent reporting. If the company doesn’t report on their progress as frequently as you want, that’s a sign they’re not confident in their ability to deliver results. 

How long will we have to wait before we see any real results?

This is a tricky one to answer, as SEO results are highly variable. It depends on a number of factors, including Google algorithm changes, competitors making drastic changes to their content, and more. But it’s a good question to have an answer to, especially if you’re unsure how quickly you can expect to see results. 

What are the most important metrics you’re looking for?

This might sound a little basic, but it’s important to establish what success means to you. Ultimately, it should be something that directly impacts your business. 

For example, you might want to increase your site’s traffic or gain new customers. An experienced SEO company will be able to tell you how they plan to grow your bottom line, while also increasing your traffic and rankings. 

How will you incorporate your SEO strategy with our overall marketing goals?

It’s important that the agency you choose knows how to adapt their approach to your unique brand, business model, and goals. For example, a local business that wants to attract customers from a small radius requires a different approach than a major corporation with a global reach. 

How often will you be adjusting our SEO strategy to reflect changes in the search engine landscape? 

This is an important question to have answered, as it’s essential for any agency to stay up to date on the latest Google algorithm updates. If an agency doesn’t keep abreast of these changes, they might be relying on outdated, spammy techniques that could get their clients penalized. 

What are your best practices for link building?

Getting links to your website is crucial for achieving long-term ranking success. It’s also a vital part of building credibility and trust in your company. It’s important that your SEO company has a plan for building links and generating reputable, high-quality backlinks that can boost your site’s authority and rank.