What is the significance of SSL certificates for technical SEO?  

The significance of SSL certificates for technical SEO is that it helps protect your website’s data and users. It also improves your search engine rankings and enhances the user experience. It’s also an essential part of the security process for any e-commerce site accepting online payments. Contact us to learn more about gilbertseo.net

Almost all websites at the top of Google have an SSL certificate and it is one of the ranking factors that Google looks at when it comes to deciding how high up on the search engine results page your site will appear. However, it’s important to note that it isn’t a magical factor that shoots your website straight into the number 1 spot on the search engines. 

As an internet user, you’ve probably come across phishing sites and know the importance of making sure that all of your information is encrypted and safe. An SSL certificate ensures that all of your sensitive information remains private when it leaves your web server to enter the browser. 

This is crucial to your SEO and it will make all the difference when you’re trying to get people to engage with your brand. Not only will visitors trust your site more but they’ll also feel confident in sharing their personal information. This is a major driver of conversions for e-commerce sites, and as such it’s essential that your website has an SSL certificate. 

In 2014, Google announced that they would begin to favor websites with an SSL certificate when it came to ranking them. Since then, it has become a key factor for most e-commerce and lead generation websites and if yours isn’t secure you could find yourself losing traffic. 

If your business collects any sort of data (whether that’s payment card details or email addresses) you will need to comply with the EU GDPR privacy laws and this is where the significance of SSL comes into play. In the event of a data breach, there are large fines that can be levied against a company if it doesn’t take steps to protect the information that’s being transferred or stored on its web servers. 

There are a variety of different types of SSL certificates that are available for purchase, each offering its own level of protection and security. It’s a good idea to speak to your Los Angeles SEO team to find out which type of certificate is right for your website. 


This is a new feature on the Google Chrome browser that makes it even harder for hackers to access your site. Using a 301 redirect, HSTS forces the browser to remember that your site supports HTTPS and then ignores the first request for an insecure HTTP connection. 

It means that it is much more difficult for hackers to intercept and access your website, which is a huge benefit for your SEO. It also means that you’ll load pages faster, which is another factor that could have a positive impact on your overall site performance and SEO.