What is Structured Data for Search Engine Optimization? 

If you’re wondering what structured data is, or how to implement it on your website, this article will help you. It will cover JSON-LD, Schema markup, and Sitelinks Searchbox. It will also explain why structured data is important for search engines, and how it works for your site. Contact us to learn more about local gilbert az

Structured data 

Structured data is a powerful way to make your site more visible in search engines. It lets search engines pull important information from your web pages and display it in a variety of different formats. For example, a product can be highlighted by structured data in its description, allowing users to quickly find and compare its features. Likewise, a sitelinks search box can display important keyword data, making it easier for visitors to find the information they need. 


JSON-LD is a form of structured data for the web that can be easily read by search engines. It uses a nested structure that starts with an item property, which specifies an item type. The next properties in the tree will be unique to each item type. An example of this would be a “name” property, which can be used to describe a person, event, venue, or performer. 

Schema markup 

Schema markup is an important SEO technique that tells search engines what data on a website means. Developed by industry experts with users in mind, schema markup has a positive impact on SEO performance and can improve brand presence, and click-through rates, and make pages more interesting. 

Sitelinks Searchbox 

A Sitelinks Searchbox is an important component of a website’s SEO strategy. When a user types in a product or brand, the site links search box will direct them to the site’s content. This can help your site dominate the search results and direct people to your website instead of a competitor’s. However, Google still takes a large percentage of the traffic generated by direct product searches. If you want to avoid losing this traffic, you can use structured data to send users to an internal search results page instead. 

Increased click-through rates 

Structured data is a way to provide search engines with extra information about your website. It makes your page more understandable to them and improves your page’s performance in Google search results. While structured data does not apply to every topic, it can help your page show up higher in search results and increase click-through rates. 

Brand visibility 

By incorporating structured data, businesses can optimize the content they provide for Google. It helps the search engine better understand what the page is about and what people are looking for. This type of data also acts as a trust signal for the users. In addition, structured data helps to improve the visibility of the page in organic search results. It can also help increase click-through rates and brand awareness.