What is SEO on-page and off-page? 

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of optimizing a website to improve its position in search engines. The process includes manipulating a website’s HTML code, content and structure to make it more search engine friendly. 

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On-page optimization is a process of improving the ranking of a web page in search engines by making sure that its content and structure are search engine-friendly. It also involves optimizing the site’s architecture and internal links. 

Keywords: Using keywords effectively is one of the most important on-page SEO strategies. Choose keywords that describe the topic of the page and that are relevant to your business. You can use tools like Google AdWords or Ahrefs to discover relevant keyword ideas. 

Write high-quality content: The best SEO pages are well-written and include relevant images. This helps readers to quickly understand the meaning of your content and gives search engines a better idea of what your page is about, which can improve your rankings. 

Link internally: Your website should include at least 1-3 internal links that connect to other pages on your site. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site, and encourages users to stay on your site longer. 

Header tags: The h1>, h2> and h3> tags help search engines identify different parts of your page content, depending on the context of a person’s query. They also tell search engines how the content on your page relates to specific search queries, which can improve your site’s rankings. 

Image alt text: Search engines look at image “alt text” when deciding how relevant a page’s content is to a person’s query, which can also improve your SEO. This is because an image’s alternative text is used as a backup by screen readers, and browsers, when the image fails to load correctly on a page. 

Clean URLs: You want your website’s links to be easy for search engines to understand and navigate, so make sure they contain keywords and are organized with navigation in mind. They should also be short, simple and descriptive. 

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly: A fast, responsive and mobile-friendly website is essential for user experience and can significantly increase conversion rates. Check your website’s speed at any time with Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. 

Create unique and valuable content: Your website’s content should be original, useful and engaging for your visitors. This will attract more shares and links on social media, which will boost your off-page SEO. 

Keep it fresh: Always make sure that your website’s content is fresh and regularly updated. Having a steady stream of new, original and helpful content will help you rank higher in search results. 

Don’t spam your content: Stuffing a page with irrelevant and unnatural keywords isn’t beneficial to readers or search engines. Moreover, spammy and low-quality content can be penalized by modern search engines, so be careful not to overdo it. 

Add a compelling title tag: The title of your page is often the first thing that a visitor sees when it comes up in a search result, so it’s crucial to write a strong title tag. It needs to be catchy and relevant, so don’t overdo it with keywords.