What is Search Engine Optimization in Simple Words? 

Before we dive into specific techniques, it’s important to understand what search engine optimization is. There are two parts to it, on-page and off-page. On-page optimization is about making sure your content is relevant and provides a good user experience. This is done by utilizing a content management system, such as WordPress, Wix, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, and Shopify. Off-page optimization involves generating backlinks and building your reputation. Contact us to learn more about gilbert seo company

On-page optimization 

On-page SEO is a key component of your search engine optimization efforts. Google’s algorithms give higher rankings to pages that load faster. By optimizing your pages for speed, you can get more of your pages into Google’s index. The speed of your website is affected by several factors, including images, JavaScript files, caching, and compression. Use this guide to improve page speed for SEO. 

Conversion rate optimization 

A good CRO campaign is a combination of a targeted search engine strategy and a conversion-based approach. The result is increased traffic, which in turn fuels improved conversion rates and profits. SEO consultants and agencies can help your business thrive by developing a targeted search engine strategy. But before you start, learn the basics of conversion rate optimization. Below, I’ve listed three steps for optimizing your site. 


Creating content that ranks on Google requires keyword research. It is important to understand who is searching for what and how they want to find it. Keywords can open the door to inspiration and help you create content that people will be interested in. Keyword research tools can help you spy on your competitors. It costs less than a thousand dollars a month, but it is still a significant expense. Here are some tips to make keyword research work for you. 

Long-tail keyphrases 

The best way to optimize your website for long-tail keywords is to group similar variants. You should use high-volume variations in page copy, internal links, and backlinks, as they will help search engines better understand your content and lessen the impact of over-optimized anchor text. This technique was first developed decades ago by Google. Now, most SEOs optimize for a phrase in the middle of the keyword graph, which is more specific and less competitive than the main keyword but is still easy to optimize for. 

Site structure 

One of the most crucial aspects of successful search engine optimization is site structure. While web designers are concerned with making a site look fantastic, SEO strategists focus on maximizing the site’s performance. A site with proper structure can increase traffic and rankings, which are two separate goals. Read on to learn more about how to optimize your site’s structure. Here are some simple tips. To optimize a website’s structure, you must create a visual representation of your site’s hierarchy.