What is Page Search Engine Optimization? 

On-page SEO is a strategy that covers various aspects of web pages, such as titles, URLs, meta descriptions, content, images, and more that, when combined, can boost your site’s search engine rankings. It is a critical part of any online marketing strategy and can help your website gain organic traffic. Contact us to learn more about top rated gilbert seo agency

The first step in on-page optimization is to ensure that all your pages have relevant keywords. This involves researching your target market and incorporating your key phrases in the right places on your site. 

Using the right keywords in your headings, main body copy, and meta description tags are a good way to increase your ranking on search engines. It also helps your users find the information they are looking for on your site. 

H- Headings: Google views the use of header tags as a medium-weight on-page SEO signal and a great way to structure your page. There are six different header tags –H1 through to H6 – and they can be used to outline the hierarchy of the page’s content. 

Your title tag is an important on-page search engine optimization element, and it has a significant impact on your SEO results. This is why it is important to write a strong title tag that is optimized for your main keywords, and includes those keywords in a natural way. 

Writing a great title is not just about optimizing for your keyword, but it also needs to be eye-catching and compelling. It should describe your page in a way that will grab a user’s attention and encourage them to click on your link, so make sure your headline is both short and to the point. 

You can add your focus keyword to the title tag or choose to leave it blank, but you should be careful not to use too much repetition and include the priority keywords in a natural way. This will improve your ranking on search engines and give a better impression of your site to users. 

The use of a URL slug is another vital aspect of on-page SEO. The slug should be unique to each page and should also include the focus keyword as well as the URL. 

URLs can be a bit confusing for users and search engines, so it’s a good idea to remove stop words from your URL, which are usually unnecessary or redundant. This will also help your URL load faster and make it easier for people to input into their browsers. 

Image optimization is a crucial component of on-page SEO, and it involves making sure all your images are relevant to your website’s content. Including an alt text for each image is also crucial, as it allows bots to crawl your site and understand what the images are about. 

It is also important to make sure your images are resized to fit the device they’re being viewed on. This is especially important for mobile phones and tablets, as many users browse the internet on these devices.