What Is a Good SEO Budget for a Real Estate Company

If you’re a business owner looking to grow your real estate agency, you likely have a number of marketing strategies in mind. TV ads, radio, and even social media are all common ways to promote your brand and drive sales. However, one thing that’s often overlooked is search engine optimization (SEO). Contact us to learn more about https://gilbertseo.net/

While it’s important to have a variety of marketing tactics in your toolbox, SEO is an especially crucial strategy for real estate companies. In fact, studies have shown that realtors who spend a large part of their marketing budget on SEO are more than two times more likely to sell homes than those that don’t. 

When it comes to SEO budgeting, there are a few ways to get started. First, consider how much your competitors are spending on SEO. Using a tool like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or SearchMetrics, you can find out how much organic traffic your competitors are generating from search engines. This will help you determine how much you should be spending on SEO to capture a share of their traffic. 

Lastly, consider the ROI of your SEO. If you’re driving $250,000 in online sales each month, a $5,000 SEO budget will give you $45,000 in revenue – well within your company’s margin! This is the kind of math that can help you feel more confident in your SEO investment, even when it feels like there’s no way to justify spending this much money on something that takes time and effort.