What factors do you believe make you a good SEO candidate website?

There are many factors that make a website successful, so the best SEO candidates will have a variety of skills. They need to be able to identify potential keywords, optimize your site, and monitor your rankings. 

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A great candidate will be willing to learn new strategies and tools, and they’ll want to stay up-to-date on search engine changes so they can help you grow your brand. Ask them how they plan on learning and using new tools, and make sure that you’re able to schedule interviews with them regularly (or at least once a week). 

1. What are the most important factors for SEO?

As a rule of thumb, search engines look for sites that are well-optimized to answer users’ queries. This includes having a page title, web address and content that are all relevant to the search term. 

Ensure that your page titles, URLs and content all include your main keywords in order to boost your search engine ranking. You can also use meta descriptions to describe the contents of your pages, and add image alt tags so that they can be indexed correctly by search engines. 

2. Are you a self-starter?

If you’re a self-starter, it means that you can take initiative and work without much guidance. This is a key skill for an SEO because it allows them to create their own unique strategy for a given project. 

3. Are you a detail-oriented person?

This question is a way of testing your candidate’s attention to detail and their ability to follow directions. It’s a great way to see if they’re a good fit for your company’s culture and can effectively collaborate with others. 

  1. What do you think is the biggest challenge in hiring an SEO?

A big challenge for most hiring managers is that there are so many candidates who are claiming to be experts in the field. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can make your search harder and prevent you from finding the perfect candidate for your needs. 

  1. How do you measure the success of your SEO campaigns?

You can track the number of organic visitors to your site through tools like Google Analytics. It’s also a good idea to monitor your conversion rate. This will tell you how many of your applicants are actually converting into hires, and how effective your recruitment campaigns are at attracting the right people to your company. 

6. What is your approach to building links?

Backlinking is a technique that search engines look for when deciding whether or not to index your site. If your site has a lot of links from other reputable sites, this is considered an indication of authority and therefore helps it rank better. 

As an example, if you have a blog about fashion, you might want to include a link from your blog post about fabrics to another blog post that talks about mixing fabrics. This will give both posts a boost in the SERP because it gives site crawlers a new entry point to both of your blog posts.