What does an SEO company do?

An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) agency helps businesses gain organic visibility on search engines. This results in increased traffic to a business’s website, which can then lead to an increase in leads or sales. Contact us to learn more about https://gilbertseo.net/

A good SEO agency has a team of experts, all with different areas of expertise. These specialists work together to drive growth for your business through a range of strategies. 

They will look to find out everything they can about your business, including goals, assets, existing campaigns, previous SEO work you’ve had done either internally or externally, and any specific challenges or gaps in your knowledge. This ensures that you get the best possible service and can be confident you’re matched up with an agency who can turn your SEO ideas into higher rankings, website visitors, and leads. 

When they have this information, they can begin to devise a strategy for your website and long-term SEO goals. They do this by auditing your site and analyzing your competition, learning from their successes and failures. 

This process also involves finding keywords that are relevant to your business and optimizing those on your website, which helps improve your search rankings. They may then also implement other tactics, such as link-building outreach. 

Content: This entails optimizing your website’s content for search engines, promoting it on social media, and creating blog posts and landing pages to help you build links and increase your visibility online. They can also create or optimize images, meta data, and page titles. 

Digital PR: This includes researching and monitoring your competitors to see what they are doing, how they’re ranking on search engines, and what they’re doing to build their own backlink profiles. It can also include contacting brands and getting them to mention your company, product, or service in their online presence. 

Technical SEO: This includes modifying your website and server to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content, as well as performing other technical SEO tasks such as page speed, mobile usability, redirects, and indexing. 

They can also monitor your social media accounts and look for ways to improve their engagement. They can even track negative reviews and address them as quickly as possible to give your brand more credibility and build trust with your customers. 

The SEO landscape is constantly changing, so it’s vital to choose an agency that understands the industry and is up-to-date on the latest developments. A good agency will be able to demonstrate results they’ve achieved for other clients, and will explain what it takes to achieve them. 

It’s important to take the time to find an agency that suits your needs, as they will be working with you on a long-term basis. A good SEO company will provide a comprehensive, transparent onboarding process and will communicate with you regularly to keep you informed of their progress. They will also be happy to answer any questions you have along the way, so don’t hesitate to ask!