What distinguishes an e-commerce platform from a CMS? 

The first distinction is that an e-commerce platform is more of a backend infrastructure for an online store. It does everything from handling shipments to payments to tracking inventory. 

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This makes it very easy to build an online store that is robust and secure, as well as highly functional. Many platforms also include marketing and sales features to help you reach your target market, increase conversions, and grow your brand. 

It’s a good idea to select an e-commerce platform that supports HTTPS and offers a secure checkout process. This will protect your customer’s sensitive information during the checkout process and prevent fraudulent activity from occurring. 

A good e-commerce platform should have mobile-friendly pages, as most traffic is coming from mobile devices nowadays. It should also be user-friendly for your business and provide a high-quality UI and UX. 

In addition, an e-commerce platform should be compatible with the latest payment processors. This will ensure that your business is up-to-date and able to handle new transactions. 

The best e-commerce platforms are also search engine optimized. This will help your site rank well in the SERPs and will increase your conversion rates. 

This will allow your customers to find the product they want quickly and easily, ensuring that they make a purchase. The system should also allow them to find items quickly based on their location or other factors like seasonal changes, size, color, and price range. 

A good CMS will provide SEO features that will improve your site’s ranking in search engines and encourage users to click on your site over other competitors. This includes implementing the correct keywords, using a structured URL structure, and adding meta descriptions to your content. 

You can also add social media links to your content, which will improve your SEO and drive more traffic to your site. This is especially important if your business is a large one and is growing quickly. 

It’s also a good idea to pick an e-commerce platform that allows you to manage multiple user roles. This will give you a lot more flexibility in managing your team, and it will save you time when you need to assign roles and permissions. 

The best e-commerce CMS providers will provide you with 24/7 support so that you can easily reach them in the event of any technical issues. This will minimize revenue losses if your store goes down for any reason. 

Another great feature to look for is multichannel selling, which lets you sell products across all channels. This is an ideal solution for retail businesses who want to offer a seamless shopping experience. 

This will allow your customers to purchase a product from any device and anywhere they are, and it can boost your brand recognition and increase your sales. You can even run a blog directly connected to your e-commerce platform, which will make it easier for your customer to follow your brand.