What Are the Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid? 

There are many common SEO mistakes to avoid. You may want to read this infographic to learn more. In it, Red Website Design highlights 15 of the most common SEO mistakes. You should avoid doing these things on your site because they will negatively affect your site’s ranking. For example, you should avoid keyword stuffing, duplicate content, and using unnatural links. This will help your site rank better and improve the overall user experience. Contact us to learn more about best gilbert seo agency

Avoiding duplicate content 

Duplicate content is something that you want to avoid at all costs when doing SEO. It not only confuses search engines but also makes it harder for your page to rank well. This is why you should focus on writing original content regularly and avoiding duplicate content. Fortunately, some tools can help you detect and remove duplicate content. One of these tools is Google’s duplicate content checker. 

One of the biggest causes of duplicate content is an incorrectly set up website or web server. This could happen during the migration process, when you structure your website, or even when you do on-page optimization. There are ways to avoid duplicate content and still get top search results. 

Avoiding keyword stuffing 

Using keywords to stuff your web pages is one of the most common SEO mistakes. However, there are ways to avoid keyword stuffing. Google defines keyword stuffing as using “irrelevant” keywords to fill a webpage. You’ll be able to avoid it by using synonyms instead. 

Keyword stuffing may increase your site’s visibility in search engines, but it’s an unnatural practice. Search engines such as Google have tools to detect sites that use too many keywords and penalize them. It also degrades the readability and UX of your site. It can also cause a high bounce rate. 

Overlooking technical aspects of SEO 

One of the most common SEO mistakes is neglecting to optimize the technical aspects of your website. Overlooking technical SEO can have a major impact on your website because it can lead to 404 Page Not Found errors. These can affect your crawl budget, damage your ranking, and decrease your conversion rate. Broken links can also result in lost visitors. So, it’s vital to optimize these areas for a better user experience. 

Using unnatural links 

Using unnatural links on your website can negatively affect your rankings. When you link to another website using the same anchor text, Google will see that as unnatural. Instead, make sure to create internal links that encourage users to read more of your content. By using internal links, you’ll help Google position your website. 

In link-building, it’s important to avoid using nofollow links, or links that don’t pass SEO value. Nofollow links have the rel nofollow tag in the HTML code, and they pass no SEO value to your website. You should aim to have a reasonable ratio of do-follow links to nofollow links. This will help your link profile balance out.