What Are the Differences Between On Page And Off Page SEO?

In short, on-page SEO is the process of optimizing your website and web pages to improve your search engine ranking. It is a great way to attract new customers and generate more traffic, but it requires some effort on your part. 

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The goal of search engine optimization is to get your website to the top of Google’s search results page (SERP) so that it gets more clicks and conversions from your site visitors. You can achieve this by improving your website’s accessibility, loading speed, content, keywords, and more. 

On-page SEO refers to all the aspects of your website that you can control, including the content, structure, and code. Off-page SEO, on the other hand, is the process of getting your website mentioned in external sources, such as social media, to raise its visibility and authority in search engine’s eyes. 

Content Elements:

High-quality, relevant content is a key component of on-page SEO. This includes your website’s homepage, overview pages like services and product pages, and blog posts. The key to developing good page content is choosing the right keywords and topics that are relevant to your audience. 

Image Alt-Text:

Add image alt-text to each of your images, ideally using relevant keywords and phrases. This helps Google understand what each of your images is about, and it can help your visitors discover your website through search queries related to your pictures. 

HTML Headers:

Adding h1> and h2> tags to your headers are important for on-page SEO since these tags indicate what each of your pages is about. They also help your visitors read your content easier. 

Meta Descriptions:

The short page descriptions that appear under your page title are another important on-page SEO factor. They help search engines understand the content of your page, and they can also encourage click-throughs from social media by copying your text over to the corresponding social media profiles. 

Off-Page Strategies:

In addition to content and website architecture, off-page SEO involves promoting your website on third-party websites across the web. This can include building high-quality backlinks, partnering with influencers in your industry and participating in online communities related to your business. 

Link juice:

Having lots of links from high-quality, authoritative domains is a crucial off-page SEO strategy for boosting your search engine ranking and driving traffic to your website. It’s also important to consider the quality of the links themselves, as well as their relevance and anchor texts. 

Influencer Marketing:

Social media is a key off-page SEO tool for reaching your audience and boosting your search engine rankings. Whether you’re using Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, a strong social presence is essential for your business. 

Video Marketing:

Videos are a powerful way to connect with your audience and boost your search engine rankings. Creating a well-made video that’s interesting, engaging and informative can be a great way to drive traffic to your website. 


Having lots of positive feedback about your business and its products and services is a crucial off-page SEO factor for boosting your search engine rankings and driving traffic to your website. Ensure that you’re sharing your best reviews across the web and that they’re optimized for conversions with CTAs to offers and product pages.