What alternative marketing strategies do I have besides using Facebook Live?

Using live video on your Facebook page can be an extremely effective way to engage with potential customers. Not only will you be able to answer questions in real time but you’ll also be able to get feedback directly from your audience. 

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There are lots of ways you can use Facebook Live, but the most effective and unique ones are those that require a little creativity and effort to pull off. For example, you could hold product tutorials, demos or expert interviews in real time to showcase what your brand has to offer and how it can help your clients improve their lives. 

You might also consider hosting an occasional personalized video greeting to your existing customers as a way of interacting with them in a more personal and meaningful way. There are many tools that you can use to create bespoke videos for your customers and even send them straight to their inbox. 

The best part of all this is that you can do it all from the comfort of your own home, and at no cost to you! 

Getting creative with your advertising is key to increasing your sales and reaching new audiences. Take advantage of Facebook’s highly granular targeting capabilities to target specific demographics and interests, which are proven to boost your ROI. 

One of the best methods for this is to build “lookalike audiences” based on people who have interacted with your company in the past. These audiences are likely to be interested in your products and services, and will be more likely to click through a Facebook ad or share your post.