Is Duplicate Content Bad For SEO? 

Duplicate content on your website can be internal or external. An SEO consultant can help you identify duplicate content on your website. Duplicate content threatens your SEO efforts and is unhealthy for your website. It should be removed immediately. Read on to learn more about how to identify duplicate content and how to get rid of it. Contact us to learn more about seo agency gilbert az


Boilerplate text 

Boilerplate content is bad for SEO. It can confuse search engines and cause pages to be ignored. However, some boilerplate content can be used on different pages within a website. In these cases, it’s a good idea to ask an SEO expert to review your content strategy. 

Boilerplate content is content on a website that is used for navigation, tagline, and main content area. For example, a company with several locations may use the same company description, tagline, and location on each location page. Google will consider these elements duplicate content. 


Syndication of duplicate content is bad for your SEO strategy for several reasons. First, it confuses Google. If Google finds two pages with similar content, it must decide which one should be ranked higher. That makes it very hard for Google to provide relevant results. Secondly, Google doesn’t like duplicate content, which is why it will penalize websites that publish content that is copied from another site. Finally, duplicated content is bad for the quality of your site. 

Syndication of duplicate content is a good strategy for some organizations, but it must be managed carefully. For example, the use of canonical tags on the URLs of your articles will help resolve duplicate content problems. 

Trailing slashes 

Using trailing slashes in your URLs isn’t necessarily a good idea, as Google considers them duplicate content. It can confuse, so you should only use one trailing slash per individual piece of content. Google also doesn’t like multiple indexes, so trailing slashes should be avoided. 

Trailing slashes in URLs is a problem because Google will only crawl and rank unique URLs. When you have the same page on two different URLs, you are creating duplicate content. Additionally, trailing slashes are confusing to linkers and split link equity. 

URL parameters 

Duplicate content can occur when the same page is accessed through multiple URLs. According to Adam Lasnik, this can dilute the link popularity of the website. Fortunately, there are ways to fix this problem. You can use the noindex tag, which allows only certain pages on the site to be indexed. 

To avoid duplicate content, avoid using URL parameters. URL parameters are parts of a website URL that describe the content on it. When set incorrectly, these can cause SEO headaches. For example, if your URL includes a question mark, your website could give two different versions of the same page to visitors. In extreme cases, you could get up to four different versions of the same page. 

Print-friendly versions of content 

Many websites offer both a print-friendly and a text-only version of their content. This practice can be detrimental to SEO. By having the same content on different URLs, you are risking duplicate content issues. Using a canonical URL is one way to avoid this problem. 

Another common cause of duplicate content issues is the use of URL parameters. Each time a user clicks on a link on your website, a session ID is added to the URL. This creates a new URL that may not contain the same content. Because of this, printing-friendly versions of content may result in duplicate content issues.