In Organizations Where Does Marketing End and E-commerce Begin?

E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet, a concept that has been around for the better part of a century. 

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The most prominent feature of e-commerce is its ability to scale with increasing demand. The best examples of this are the likes of Amazon, eBay, and Etsy which cater to a variety of consumers from a range of budgets. 

The most obvious reason for this is that these companies have a wealth of data on their customers which they can leverage to boost revenues, reduce customer churn and improve the overall bottom line. 

There are a multitude of ways that e-commerce is able to do this. The most common are in the form of web-based transaction processing, customer relationship management (CRM) tools and cloud-based storage and analytics. 

Generally, it is the combination of these elements that leads to a successful online business. It also comes in the form of a well-thought-out strategy that involves the right mix of technology, savvy staff and good old-fashioned hard work.