How to Do SEO Keyword Research?

Performing keyword research is one of the most important steps in search engine optimization (SEO). It helps you find relevant keywords that your target audience uses when looking for information online. It also enables you to create content that will help your website rank for those keywords, which will lead to more traffic. 

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The first step in doing keyword research is to create a list of general topics you think your target customers might be searching for. This can be based on product categories, industry terms, or anything that feels relevant to your business. 

Next, it’s a good idea to use tools like Google Analytics or HubSpot’s Sources report to identify the keywords that consumers are using to arrive at your website. This can be helpful for creating a more targeted keyword research strategy and finding keywords that may not be as obvious as the ones you’ve already identified. 

You can then use a tool such as Moz to see which keywords have high and low search volume in your niche. You can then use that data to choose which keywords you should target. 

Another way to find new keywords is by using a keyword planner or a paid tool, such as Ahrefs, Semrush, or Wordtracker. These are often able to provide more insights into the intent of searches and give you an idea of how difficult it will be to rank for those keywords. 

As a general rule, it’s a good idea to target both head terms and long-tail keywords in your keyword research. This will ensure that you have a balanced and competitive strategy for gaining rankings. 

It’s also a good idea to include keywords that have low competition, especially when you’re trying to rank for something that is a long-tail term. This will reduce your risk and make it easier for you to gain valuable links back to your site. 

If you’re looking for a free tool to help you with this process, try Ubersuggest. This tool will show you a list of websites that are currently ranking for a particular keyword, as well as other important information such as their traffic numbers, backlinks, and page authority. 

When it comes to keyword research, you can never get too much information! 

The best keyword research tools will always be able to give you a wide range of different options for your keyword strategy. This will help you find a variety of unique key phrases that can be used in a range of ways, which can really increase your chances of success. 

Keyword research is an essential part of any SEO strategy and should be a company-wide activity. It will help you understand your customer and their needs, and it will inform your content strategy. It will help you to create the right content for your target market, which in turn will generate more traffic and lead to more sales.