How to Do Search Engine Optimization YouTube? 

With the second largest search engine in the world and eight out of every ten video searches being done on YouTube, having an SEO strategy for your videos is crucial to driving traffic and getting your name out there. Contact us to learn more about top rated gilbert seo agency

The best way to do search engine optimization on youtube is by following a few simple rules: 

1. Use the keyword in your video filename

Before you upload your video, you should make sure it has your target keyword in it. This is super simple, but it can really boost your search results and drive more views to your video. 

2. Include the keyword in your video description

This is a bit tricky to do, but it can help you get noticed on YouTube and in search engines. This will also help users understand your video’s context and why they should watch it. 

3. Say the keyword early and often

The more you say your target keyword, the more likely it is to be picked up by YouTube and used as a ranking signal. 

4. Use the keyword in your video title

When you create a new video, YouTube will give you a list of suggested keywords for you to use in the title of your video. These are based on the type of content you’re uploading, your channel, and keywords that people are searching for. You can use these keywords in your title, but don’t overdo it. This is considered to be a bad practice called keyword stuffing and can hurt your rankings on YouTube. 

5. Add tags to your video

You can add tags to your video by going to YouTube’s site and then clicking the ‘Add Tags’ button. But don’t overdo it – you want to use them as a way of classifying your content, not as a way of getting noticed by Google. 

6. Involve your audience

You’ll want to create videos that appeal to your audience – and by involving them, you can encourage them to interact with your video. By giving them a chance to talk about your video and answer questions, you’ll be building an engaged audience who will share your videos with their friends. 

7. Keep the audience interested

By making sure that your video flows well, you’ll be able to keep your viewers engaged and watching. This will improve the quality of your viewer’s experience, which will help you earn more views and increase the chances that they will subscribe to your channel and watch even more of your videos. 

8. Create a catchy intro

Your video’s opening is one of the most important factors for your search engine rankings on YouTube, so make sure it is clear and concise. You can do this by writing a script that tells the story of your video in a snappy way. 

9. Create a playlist

By creating a playlist, you can organize your videos into groups that can be searched on Google and other search engines. You can also create a group of related videos, which will help you earn better SERP rankings and more views for your videos.