How to Do Keyword Research? 

Keyword research is a critical part of any digital marketing campaign. It helps you identify the keywords your audience is searching for and how to create content that will attract them. It’s also an important part of your SEO strategy, as it informs your keyword-driven PPC campaigns and editorial content. 

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Whether you’re trying to rank for a new page or refresh an existing one, you need to choose the right keywords to get traffic to your website. Fortunately, there are a number of tools available to help you discover the best keywords for your business. 

Step 1: Start by brainstorming the words and phrases that people are using to find your type of products, services, or information. Then, plug these into a keyword research tool like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer to see how many keyword ideas you can come up with that are relevant to your business. 

Once you’ve compiled your list of potential keywords, it’s time to start analyzing them and choosing the best ones for your site. This can be a complicated process, but it’s vitally important to get this step right! 

You can use the following methods to identify the most appropriate keywords for your site: 

  1. Survey Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) – When you type in a specific keyword into Google, it will suggest a wide range of related keywords. These are called autocompletes and they provide a great way to discover new keyphrases that you can target with your next SEO campaign.
  2. Explore Competition – If you’re looking for ideas for new keywords, it’s a good idea to study your competitors and look at what they’re ranking for. You can do this by using the Content Gap report in Ahrefs’ Site Explorer or by doing a quick competitive analysis with a tool such as SEMrush.
  3. Look for Low-Difficulty & Low-Competition – When selecting keywords, look for those that are low in competition and have high search volume. This will give you the best chance of getting a top-ranking spot and attracting searchers to your site.
  4. Choose Keywords That Will Lead to Conversion – At the end of the day, your keywords should be those that will result in sales for your business. This means they should be words that are reasonable and specific, as well as strong enough to attract the right kind of audience.
  5. Focus on Audience Appeal – Before you can choose keywords, it’s important to understand the wants and needs of your target audience. This includes what they’re searching for, where they live and their preferences and behaviors.
  6. Prioritize Your Keywords – Ideally, you should be able to prioritize your keywords in order of how much they’re worth to your business. You can do this by calculating the search volume, traffic potential and search intent for each of your keywords.

This will ensure that you focus on those that have the highest search volume and lowest competition, as these are the most likely to convert visitors into customers. It will also ensure that you’re not wasting time on keywords that won’t be beneficial to your business.