How SEO-Friendly Is My Website? 

Many people have varying opinions about what makes a website SEO-friendly. Some businesses are stuck in the ’90s while others are up-to-date and use the latest search trends. Regardless of the opinion, it’s important to make sure your website has the right elements that customers are looking for. After all, if they’re not happy with your website, they’re likely to leave. Contact us to learn more about seo agency gilbert az

Responsive design 

A responsive design is an excellent choice for your website, as it allows your content to display on a variety of devices. Using a responsive design will also allow you to improve your SEO rankings. Search engines like Google take responsiveness into account when determining how to rank a website. If your website is not responsive, it will appear lower in search engine results. 

Google is much more likely to index a responsive design website than a separate mobile site. This is because the same URL and HTML code are used for both desktop and mobile versions. When a website has separate versions, Google must index multiple versions, which creates an inconsistent user experience. Also, it’s harder for Google to analyze the same site content on different devices. As a result, a responsive design eliminates these issues. 

Original content 

If you want to be found by search engines, you must make your website as SEO-friendly as possible. In particular, you should use heading tags on your website, as these will help Google to understand the hierarchy of content on your site. Furthermore, you should write headlines that will encourage readers to read more of the content on your website. 

Fast loading time 

One of the most important SEO practices for website owners is to make their website fast. Generally, this means having a loading time that is under two seconds. It is ideal if the speed is under three seconds. This is because the page’s content takes time to load, and it can negatively affect other ranking factors. 

Google and other search engines consider page speed when ranking websites. Having a slow website can affect your ranking and reduce your conversions. In addition, Google has been known to reduce the number of crawlers that visit sites that take longer to load. 

Meta tags 

Metadata, such as the title tag, is one of the most important factors for website optimization. It contains keywords that appear in search results. According to 36 percent of SEO experts, the title tag is the most important part of the website. Make sure that both the title tag and meta description include your focus keyword. The title tag should be no longer than 155 characters. 

Creating a website that is optimized for search engines is a great way to increase your ranking in search results. A properly optimized website uses keywords throughout its content, including titles, headings, and body text. The keywords are not necessarily exact matches, but they should be relevant to the content of the site. 

Meta description 

Your website has several important elements that can make or break its SEO rankings. These include meta descriptions and title tags. These elements are displayed in Google’s search results. According to SEO experts, the title tag is the most important SEO element. It should contain your focus keyword. The meta description should be no longer than 160 characters. 

Adding a keyword-rich meta title is one of the easiest ways to make your website SEO-friendly. This information is displayed in search results in a snippet. Depending on the search query, Google may display a different-sized snippet. It should contain all relevant information about the page. It is also important that the meta description tag does not contain the same information as the actual content of the page.