How can site security affect technical SEO? 

Whether you run a blog or a business, you probably want to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords. But what you may not know is that the security of your website can have a significant impact on your SEO results. Contact us to learn more about

A secure website is a major ranking signal for Google, which means that going from HTTP to HTTPS can boost your rankings. Moreover, using HTTPS improves user safety by providing users with a more secure connection when they transmit personal information, such as credit card numbers, to your website. 

SSL Certificate: 

Ensure that your website uses a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to protect your sensitive data from hackers. A certified SSL cert will guarantee that communications between your site and your visitors’ browsers are encrypted, preventing hackers from intercepting, or even modifying, the contents of your website. 


It is very important to keep your website up-to-date, as the software and plugins you use have security features built in that you must enable to be secure. It also helps to regularly scan your website for vulnerabilities and make sure that updates are installed immediately. 

Content Delivery Network:

A content delivery network (CDN) is a group of servers that deliver web content to users at a faster speed and reduces the load on your central server. This makes your website quicker and more accessible and helps it rank higher in search engine results. 

Meta Tags:

Meta tags are HTML tags that give search engines important information about a website’s content. These details include the title, description, and keywords. The more meta tags you have, the better your website will perform in search engine results. 

Structured Data Markup:

Including structured data in your website’s HTML code can help you optimize it for search engines and enhance site security. This will allow search engines to more easily comprehend your page’s content, and it will give them more relevant and reliable data to rank your site with. 


Putting your website on the HTTPS network is one of the most effective ways to boost SEO. This is because it sends a clear signal to Google that you are concerned about user safety and are taking steps to provide them with a safer experience. Besides being a clear sign that you are concerned about online security, going from HTTP to HTTPS can also increase the quality of your website’s content, which is another factor that search engines consider when determining search engine results. 


Two-factor authentication is an excellent security option for any website that takes online payments or collects private information from its visitors. It requires a user to enter a passcode along with a unique code sent to a mobile device to access your site. 


Lastly, you should also make sure that your website is hosted on a secure network that filters traffic from hackers. You can do this by integrating with a firewall like Cloudflare. These services will automatically block incoming traffic that is suspected of being spam or malicious. They also scan your website for hacks and alert you of possible attacks.