How to Explain How Accessibility is Important to Search Engine Optimization? 

Accessibility is a broad term that refers to making web content and websites accessible to everyone. Over 15% of the world’s population suffers from some kind of disability, and having a website that is accessible can make it easier for your audience to find what they are looking for on your site. Contact us to learn more about 

SEO & Accessibility

Search engines like Google have begun to take accessibility into consideration when ranking websites. This is a good thing because it means that an accessible website will be more likely to rank high than one that is not. In addition, an accessible website will often receive more positive reviews, which can also increase its ranking. 

Creating an accessible website for everyone can help you reach a wider audience and get more leads from your online marketing efforts. But it also has a significant impact on how search engines view your website and the keywords you use to optimize it. 

The first step in making your website more accessible is to create good content. Whether you’re writing blog posts, landing pages, or anything else, creating engaging content is key to both SEO and accessibility. 

When it comes to your content, it’s important to make sure that your page is easy to read for people with different disabilities and that the information on it is relevant and useful. This includes having the correct text size, making it readable for screen readers, and providing ALT text for images that don’t have captions. 

Another way to promote accessibility and SEO is by creating consistent navigation for your website. This ensures that visitors can easily navigate your website from page to page without having to change the layout of each web page. 


The metadata on a page can make it easier for search engine crawlers to understand what your site is about and how to display it on the results page. This can help them determine how to rank your site and can also affect how your website performs on mobile devices. 

Adding keywords to your metadata is an important SEO factor, but it’s also a good way to improve your site’s accessibility for people with disabilities. Using a keyword density of around 5% is recommended, and it will make it easier for search engine crawlers to find your content. 

Video & Audio

Videos are becoming increasingly important for a website’s success, and the right audio can make a big difference in how your video content is viewed by users. The W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines recommend including transcriptions for all video on your site, so that those with hearing or visual impairments can easily understand what’s being said in the videos. 

This can be done by including transcripts of the dialog or narration in your video, and allowing people with hearing impairments to pause, play, or hide media content automatically. 

In addition to promoting accessibility and helping your site rank higher, these features will also help you make a more positive impression on people with disabilities and reduce the risk of lawsuits against you for ADA violations.