Creating Marketing Videos – 7 Tips for Optimizing Your Videos For Success 

Creating marketing videos can be a huge part of your business’s online strategy. The key is to understand the best way to optimize your videos for success. Whether you need to create brand-new video content or repurpose existing footage, there are many ways to maximize your ROI. Here are a few tips to help you get started: 

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1. Know your buyers

As a marketer, it’s essential to create content that targets your ideal customers. By knowing who your target audience is, you can create a video that specifically speaks to their needs and moves them down the sales funnel. This will make your videos more purposeful and effective – and increase your chances of conversions! 

2. Create content that resonates with your audience

Unlike traditional marketing methods, video is an engaging and direct form of communication. It’s also an excellent way to capture the attention of your audience without a lot of time and effort. 

3. Create videos that address specific needs

Video marketing can be used to address a variety of different business needs, from branding and storytelling to educational content and more. Choosing the right type of video can be tricky, but here are some tips to keep in mind as you consider which type would work best for your business: 

4. Align with the sales funnel stage

When it comes to your marketing funnel, videos should always be aligned with a particular stage or campaign goal. This means that your video should be created for a certain phase of the buyer’s journey, such as identification or research. 

5. Add a call to action (CTA)

A great CTA will not only draw viewers in, it can also be a powerful tool for converting them into customers. It should be incorporated into the video and can redirect your viewer to any page you want them to go to, like a landing page or blog post. 

6. Embrace authentic and relatable content

Consumers today are looking for authenticity in everything they consume, including video content. Our latest Sprout Social Index found that 51% of consumers are looking for brands that feature their product or service in an authentic way on their social media. This includes brand videos, customer testimonials/demos and more. 

7. Don’t be afraid of showing emotion

Whether you’re promoting a new product or demonstrating a unique feature, it’s always good to show emotion in your videos. It can be a great way to connect with your audience and can encourage them to share your content with their friends or family. 

8. Use a consistent voice and tone

Your video’s voice and tone should be the same throughout. This helps ensure that your audience knows who’s talking, and it can be a simple as using the same font for all videos. 

9. Use an eye-catching title 

When it comes to your video, you’re going to want to give it a unique name that’s easy for your audience to remember. It should also be optimized for search engine visibility, which will increase your reach and the number of views you receive.