Explaining SEO to a Beginner 

When asked to explain SEO to a beginner, most people struggle to explain what it is and how it works. While there are many different ways to rank a page on search engines, the most important ranking factors are Link popularity, keywords, and high-quality content. In addition, search intent plays an important role, since it can be the difference between getting a very small amount of traffic and driving real revenue. Contact us to learn more about best gilbert company in az

Link popularity is the most important ranking factor 

Link popularity refers to the number of web pages that reference a website. Google uses an algorithm to determine link popularity. It prioritizes links that point to important web pages and displays these higher on SERPs. Link popularity is also a function of PageRank. The higher the PageRank, the more valuable the link. In essence, websites with high PageRank pass along link juice, which boosts the visibility of their website. 

Google’s algorithm primarily relies on link popularity to calculate a website’s ranking. However, this ranking factor is flawed because it rewards linking over content relevance. Moreover, there are many ways to fake link popularity, such as exchanging links with another website. 

Keywords are a ranking signal 

While there are many SEO ranking signals, many people assume that word count is the most important factor. In reality, there’s no magical number of words that will increase your rankings. Search engines are more interested in the quality of sites that link to your site, not how many words you use. 

Using anchor text is a great way to include your keywords, as Google uses it to determine the content of your page. Another way to incorporate keywords is to use LSI keywords or related search terms. LSI keywords, also known as latent semantic indexing keywords, help Google determine the content of a page. Other ways to include keywords in your content include placing keyword variations in the H2 or H3 sections of your content. In addition, including a keyword in your URL is another effective way to boost your page’s ranking. 

High-quality content is a ranking factor 

The quality of your content is a major ranking factor in SEO. If you write content that is fresh, interesting, and helpful to your audience, it is much more likely that they will stick around on your website. Also, if you update your content frequently, it will demonstrate to your users that you are constantly up-to-date. This is a key factor in SEO and will help Google see your site as ‘alive’. 

In the digital age, content is king. Creating quality content will establish your brand as an industry thought leader and help your customers develop trust in your offerings. The importance of content is well known, especially with Google. The company has made it clear that it is prioritizing high-quality websites and articles over unnecessary keywords and clickbait content. 

Search intent is the difference between getting a tiny amount of traffic and driving real revenue 

Knowing how to optimize for search intent is vital for a successful SEO strategy. It’s often difficult to determine what the user wants when they enter a single word, but Google does a good job at it. Knowing how to use search intent to your advantage will help you optimize the right terms for your content and website. 

There are two types of search intents. There is informational and preferential intent. The former includes informational searches, whereas the latter is about buying something. When a user searches for informational terms, they’re generally looking for a specific product, service, or answer to a question. This type of search is likely to generate a lot of organic traffic, but also some paid traffic.