How does voice search impact SEO? 

Voice search is a growing phenomenon that affects more and more people around the world. As a result, businesses that want to grow their audience need to optimize their content for voice search in order to be found by potential customers. However, voice SEO is not a replacement for text-based organic search – it needs to be built on top of a strong text-based strategy. Contact us to learn more about gilbert seo

Optimize For Featured Snippets and Position Zero.

The first step in voice search SEO is to make sure your content is optimized for featured snippets. These snippets are displayed in the top of the results page when a user searches for a particular term on Google. These snippets include a short summary of your content, and they usually appear above the paid ads but before the regular search listings. 

Getting your content to feature in a featured snippet is a key component of voice search SEO, as it can boost your visibility among voice users and improve your domain authority and ranking. A study conducted by Moz found that 87% of voice search answers stem from these snippets, so it’s important to optimize your website for them. 

Create FAQs for Voice Users.

Another way to optimize your site for voice search is by creating a series of questions and answers that address the most common queries related to your business, product, or industry. These questions can be incorporated into your website’s content, and they can also help you rank for long-tail keywords that relate to those queries. 

Write Naturally.

When writing for voice, it’s best to stick to natural language that your target audience would use to speak the information they are searching for. This will not only ensure that your content ranks well, but it’ll also be more comprehensible for your audiences. 

Keep Your Business Local & Up to Date.

The majority of voice searches will be made by local users, so it’s important that your content is optimized for those queries. This includes your business’s Google Business Profile, which must be accurate and up to date with all necessary information. It’s also vital to ensure that your website is fast and mobile-friendly. 

Schema markup, also known as structured data, can be a significant factor in your voice search SEO rankings. It’s an underutilized SEO tool that can be implemented on your site to enhance its presence in search engine results. 

Optimize For Questions – Voice queries are often very specific, so it’s important to answer all of your potential customer’s questions, no matter how basic or advanced. These include the price of a certain product, opening hours for a store, whether a business stocks a particular item, and more. 

Use question-form queries – Voice users are more likely to ask questions than type in keyword phrases. These are easier for Google to process and can give you insights into user intent. 

Identify the questions your target audience is asking – This isn’t always easy, but using Google’s free keyword research tool can help you identify the keywords your audiences are using most often. Then, use those keywords throughout your content to maximize your exposure and improve your SEO.