How Does An SEO Company Build Traction For Your Business? 

Traction is the process of gaining attention from potential customers, increasing the volume of website traffic, and converting website visitors into leads. It is essential for businesses to achieve traction in order to grow and thrive. In this article, we will explore how an SEO company can build traction for your business. Contact us to learn more about seo services gilbert

The Bullseye Framework

If you want to increase traction, you need to develop a strategy that will target the right audience and get them to visit your site. This can be done through digital marketing strategies including SEO, email marketing, and social media. 

The first step is to identify your traction goal. This can be anything from raising funding to becoming profitable and should be based on what your current business goals are. Next, you should determine the right distribution channels for your traction goal and then test them to find the ones that will work best. 

Once you’ve chosen your traction channels, you need to implement them and monitor them. The easiest way to do this is to use Google Analytics, which allows you to track website visitors and how they interact with your site. This will give you an idea of which content is working and which needs to be updated or improved. 

Key Words

You can also use Google Analytics to identify keywords that bring in the most traffic from search engines, and then optimize your website for those terms. This will help you rank higher for those keywords. 

Link Building

You might want to consider partnering with an SEO agency that has a lot of experience building links. They will be able to earn links for you by creating great content that other sites want to link to. This is called “On-Page Optimization” and will have a direct impact on your SEO ranking. 

Guest Posting

Another way to generate links is to write articles and post them on reputable websites. This is a great way to gain attention and establish yourself as an authority figure in your field. 

Then, you can reach out to the owners of those sites and request a link back to your content. This is a great way to boost your visibility and grow your website’s domain authority. 

Attending industry events

You can also gain traction by attending industry events. This will allow you to meet with other entrepreneurs in your area who may be looking for SEO services. 


A good SEO company will have a solid portfolio that shows off its work. This will help you decide whether or not they are the right agency for your business. 

Check their team, and ensure they have the expertise you need. You don’t want to be dealing with an agency that has a few people but doesn’t have the resources to handle your project. 

You should also check out their previous clients to see what types of results they’ve achieved for them. This will let you know how effective they are at delivering results for other businesses and if they have the expertise to deliver yours.